Everybody's funny in different ways. Use this quote
I think sometimes I should do more carousing, because I don't do much and maybe it would be fun occasionally. It's hard for me to have fun and I'm a serious thinker and a searcher and funny from the front. Use this quote
Tell us your phobias and we will tell you what you are afraid of. Use this quote
I thought I was funny as a kid. Use this quote
If you think something's funny, go with that. Most comedians pull jokes from a place of honesty. Use this quote
I wasn't even 20 at the time, but it taught me something about drugs. They can take a good man, a warm, funny, loving family man, and turn him into a loser and worse. Use this quote
Memories are doing funny things to us. Use this quote
Boston is actually the capital of the world. You didn't know that? We breed smart-ass, quippy, funny people. Not that I'm one of them. I just sorta sneaked in under the radar. Use this quote
My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger. Use this quote
The misconception is that standup comics are always on. I don't know any really funny comics that are annoying and constantly trying to be funny all the time. Use this quote
What was funny if you were there is that we were all immensely sophisticated people who knew exactly what she was going to say and we're chatting away, nice to see you. Use this quote
The music industry is really funny, when you have a hit record, everyone knows who are you, everyone wants to do duets with you, then if you have a miss, people suffer from amnesia. Use this quote
This is going to sound really funny. I have a poster of Zac Efron on my wall! I think every girl has a poster of him in their room so, why not join the club! Use this quote
Never raise your hand to your children - it leaves your midsection unprotected. Use this quote
I wouldn't totally rule out doing Letterman or the Tonight Show if I had a set that I just happened to write that I thought was funny but was still appropriate for network censors. But I'm not going to go out of my way. Use this quote
I like children - fried. Use this quote
I really don't know what makes a comedian. I think it's a family background and environment. Yet if you put the same ingredients in another person, he may never utter a funny line. Use this quote
Life was a funny thing that happened to me on the way to the grave. Use this quote
Miami Beach is where neon goes to die. Use this quote
Whoever is my relative, I will not be nice to them. Use this quote