Those who condemn gay marriage, yet are silent or indifferent to the breakdown of marriage and divorce, are, in my view, missing the real issue. Use this quote
There's something about marriage that is not as intensely romantic or interesting as a couple's first meeting. Use this quote
My older sister was at the cusp of new wave, and I had older brothers from my father's first marriage who were rock 'n' roll guys, so I was exposed to a lot of popular culture. Use this quote
In marriage, it's always that give and take and rebalancing that we have to do in how we can help each other. But, I have been known at times by my sons, that is the name that they call me-the Mitt stabilizer. Use this quote
Divorce these days is a religious vow, as if the proper offspring of marriage. Use this quote
There is nothing wrong with your marriage if you're dealing with bills and kids and the broken garbage disposal and in-laws and work demands. That's a normal marriage. Use this quote
It takes two to make a marriage a success and only one to make it a failure. Use this quote
I don't have any romantic ideas about marriage. Trust me. A white dress... ? No. It's not something for me. Use this quote
Do the bishops seriously imagine that legalising gay marriage will result in thousands of parties to heterosexual marriages suddenly deciding to get divorced so they can marry a person of the same sex? Use this quote
You can forgive people who do not follow you through a philosophical disquisition; but to find your wife laughing when you had tears in your eyes, or staring when you were in a fit of laughter, would go some way towards a dissolution of the marriage. Use this quote
There were many women around. We all had a relationship with each other that was very strong. And all of our minds kind of hooked up. We rejected the society. We rejected marriage because we didn't like what our parents had. Use this quote
I don't see any reason for marriage when there is divorce. Use this quote
If you made a list of reasons why any couple got married, and another list of the reasons for their divorce, you'd have a hell of a lot of overlapping. Use this quote
Let a man do what he will by a single woman, the world is encouragingly apt to think Marriage a sufficient amends. Use this quote
The possibility of divorce renders both marriage partners stricter in their observance of the duties they owe to each other. Divorces help to improve morals and to increase the population. Use this quote
Heather knows why and when her marriage ended with Richie and she knows why my marriage ended with Charlie. Use this quote
Love before marriage is absolutely necessary. Use this quote
My mother and stepfather were married 43 years, so I have watched a long marriage. I feel like I had a very good role model for that. And, you know, it's just a number. Use this quote
I like being independent. I don't think that marriage means you're not independent, but right now I'm very comfortable, and I'm probably the happiest I've ever been. I feel solid. I feel safe. Use this quote
I went nearly 30 years without being able to really seriously entertain marriage or a family. In fact, the word 'marriage' would actually give me a shake when it was brought up. Use this quote