A marriage contract to me is as binding as any in business, and I have always believed in sticking to an agreement. Use this quote
What is fascinating about marriage is why anyone wants to get married. Use this quote
Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night. Use this quote
I believe in traditional marriage. Use this quote
If you want to read about love and marriage, you've got to buy two separate books. Use this quote
A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it. Use this quote
I know that the odds are against a marriage lasting 60 years. Use this quote
I was a Christian. I didn't want to have sex before marriage, I was a bit uptight and not very self-confident. I was a virgin until I was 26. Use this quote
There is something revolting about the way girls' minds often jump to marriage long before they jump to love. And most of those minds are shut to what marriage really means. Use this quote
The most happy marriage I can picture or imagine to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman. Use this quote
The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day, but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife. Use this quote
Woman, or more precisely put, perhaps, marriage, is the representative of life with which you are meant to come to terms. Use this quote
I figure no matter how old you are, it's always going to be your first marriage and no life experience is going to make you a better judge of who you should marry. Use this quote
Never ever discount the idea of marriage. Sure, someone might tell you that marriage is just a piece of paper. Well, so is money, and what's more life-affirming than cold, hard cash? Use this quote
I did know Ted Hughes and I partly wrote the book to explain to myself and others the complexities of a marriage that was for six years wonderfully productive of poetry and then ended in tragedy. Use this quote
The whole Haley-Nathan marriage deal was a pretty good twist huh? I hope we got all of you with it. That particular story line even suprised me when I read it, it's a good one and it'll provide for some good stories to come. Use this quote
Public-opinion polls show that Americans split about evenly on civil unions. But when the words "gay marriage" are presented, they break 3-to-1 against it. Use this quote
The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin. Use this quote
A bride at her second marriage does not wear a veil. She wants to see what she is getting. Use this quote
I have no difficulty with the recognition of civil unions for non-traditional relationships but I believe in law we should protect the traditional definition of marriage. Use this quote