I support any procedure that allows photographers to express themselves, whether that involves color, black and white, platinum, palladium and digital technology. Use this quote
In the company of the accomplished, people hope it will rub off on themselves, in the company of the misfortunate, they fear it! Use this quote
Let me pose you a question. Can farm-raised salmon be organic when its feed has nothing to do with its natural diet, even if the feed itself is supposedly organic, and the fish themselves are packed tightly in pens, swimming in their own filth? Use this quote
Society is the union of men and not the men themselves. Use this quote
Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men. Use this quote
Vigorous enforcement of copyrights themselves is an important part of the picture. But I don't think that expanding the legal definition of copyright outside of actual copyright infringement is the right move. Use this quote
Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government. Use this quote
People, and especially theologians, should try to familiarize themselves with scientific ideas. Of course, science is technical in many respects, but there are some very good books that try to set out some of the conceptual structure of science. Use this quote
I want the municipality to be a helping hand to the man with a desire of sympathy, to help the fallen when it is not in their power to help themselves. Use this quote
If you are strong enough as a couple, reality shows can be a good thing for the relationship. Use this quote
Anger is like those ruins which smash themselves on what they fall. Use this quote
No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No stream or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. Use this quote
Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you? Use this quote
Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves. Use this quote
In the United States, though power corrupts, the expectation of power paralyzes. Use this quote
I have several computer companies. One of them I have a program for wide-format printing. I have a beauty program. So I have several different programs that I own for printing. Use this quote
I don't understand how somebody wouldn't have a sense of humor about themselves. Use this quote
Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves. Use this quote
The politicians were talking themselves red, white and blue in the face. Use this quote
A famous person to themselves, they don't get up in the morning and think, I'm famous. I'm not famous to me. Famous is a perception. Use this quote