I see no way out of the problems that organized religion and tribalism create other than humans just becoming more honest and fully aware of themselves. Use this quote
We have to do more than just elect a new President if we truly want to change this country. Use this quote
Vision is the true creative rhythm. Use this quote
The first task in teaching is to bring to consciousness what the students already believe by virtue of their personal experiences about themselves and society. Use this quote
There is nothing permanent except change. Use this quote
Men who know themselves are no longer fools. They stand on the threshold of the door of Wisdom. Use this quote
At the New York Athletic Club they serve amazing food. People go there, get healthy, and then eat themselves to death - which is, I suppose, the right way to do it. Use this quote
I think what's really the most ideal thing is for the player themselves, within their own imagination, to carve out what they view as being the essence of the character. Use this quote
They're right to think that about me, because I'm the person most likely to sleep with my female fans, I genuinely love other women. And I think they know that. Use this quote
Love seeks one thing only: the good of the one loved. It leaves all the other secondary effects to take care of themselves. Love, therefore, is its own reward. Use this quote
In music the passions enjoy themselves. Use this quote
The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. Use this quote
To succeed in business it is necessary to make others see things as you see them. Use this quote
Religion is a temper, not a pursuit. Use this quote
Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government. Use this quote
God help those who do not help themselves. Use this quote
Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession. Use this quote
It's every teenager's dream to be in a band, tour the world and be famous. Use this quote
Part of the beauty of Judaism, and surely this is so for other faiths also, is that it gently restores control over time. Three times a day we stop what we are doing and turn to God in prayer. We recover perspective. We inhale a deep breath of eternity. Use this quote
I think that's what poetry does. It allows people to come together and identify with a common thing that is outside of themselves, but which they identify with from the interior. Use this quote