Once you go inside and weed through the muck, you will find the real beauty, the truth about yourself. Use this quote
Sometimes I do envision just being a stay at home mom but not working isn't an option for me currently. Use this quote
Marriage is a feast where the grace is sometimes better than the dinner. Use this quote
One of the things I like about when I tour sometimes is that occasionally you'll see a dad there with his 12-year-old son and they're both enjoying it. Use this quote
God not only plays dice, He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen. Use this quote
Don't waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. Use this quote
To kill an error is as good a service as, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact. Use this quote
We read too much Shakespeare at school, and view our parliamentary politics as dynastic drama, in which an impatient crown prince frets at his long subordination and begins to scheme for the throne he knows he merits, was promised and has earned. Use this quote
We have it, we're lucky enough that we've created a show where it's not about... a family, or a kid, it's about a town. Use this quote
Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world. Use this quote
When hope is not pinned wriggling onto a shiny image or expectation, it sometimes floats forth and opens. Use this quote
Sometimes even to live is an act of courage. Use this quote
I don't accept as an article of faith that lots of short-term stimulus boosts the economy and gets us back on the long-term trajectory. Use this quote
Sometimes nudity is gratuitous. We just live in a society where everything goes. Use this quote
Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good. Use this quote
Sometimes you ask God for something and you don't know what you're asking. Use this quote
You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on. Use this quote
I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up. Use this quote
Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking. Use this quote
More than art, more than literature, music is universally accessible. Use this quote