A lot of movies were influenced by 'Logan's Run,' like 'Minority Report'. A lot of films have those elements in them. Use this quote
When I grew up, people said, 'You'll never be the man your dad was.' And I said, 'Gee, I hope not.' Use this quote
Whether it's possible or not, being a doctor, you take an oath. To care for your patient, not to kill them. You take an oath to do things that are proper in the medical world. Not to administer something outside of a hospital setting that's not even your area. Use this quote
My father still is a lawyer, and my mom was a teacher and then later a career counselor. Use this quote
I'm ridiculous in my oversharing; my mom and sister are very open but a little more judicious than me... and my father is a decidedly private person. Use this quote
I've done the most awful rubbish in order to have somewhere to go in the morning. Use this quote
Education is the mother of leadership. Use this quote
I was nine or 10 years old and my father was sacked on Christmas Day. He was a manager, the results had not been good, he lost a game on December 22 or 23. On Christmas Day, the telephone rang and he was sacked in the middle of our lunch. Use this quote
Then, of course, there are those sad occasions when a poet or a writer has not grown, and one has to let them go because they're just not making headway. But we have a very clear personal relationship with the authors. Use this quote
In a way, we women take on more than we need to sometimes. Use this quote
Even when I begin with a situation that's basically funny or sad, I like to keep poking around in it. I like to get into the middle of a relationship, to explore the subtle places. Use this quote
Success and money can really be quite blinding. Use this quote
There is no substitute for the comfort supplied by the utterly taken-for-granted relationship. Use this quote
I've always loved the experience of working together with other people toward an artistic goal. Use this quote
Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it. Use this quote
I love 70's music. Use this quote
It's good for everyone to understand that they are to love their enemies, simply because your enemies show you things about yourself you need to change. So in actuality enemies are friends in reverse. Use this quote
Experience has taught me never to trust a policeman. Just when you think one's all right, he turns legit. Use this quote
I am not quite sure where home is right now. I do have places in London and Milan, and a house in Spain. I guess I would say home is where my mother is, and she lives in Spain. Use this quote
I'm more selective now I've got a family. I don't want to work all the time. My daughter's 12; I don't want to miss out on her life. Soon she'll be a teenager; she won't want me around. Use this quote