So, one of the things I was doing with the aliens in The Quiet Invasion was creating that advanced society which had ideas about morality and proper use of natural resources that were radically different from ours, as the Europeans were from the American Indians. Use this quote
I believe that the will of the people is resolved by a strong leadership. Even in a democratic society, events depend on a strong leadership with a strong power of persuasion, and not on the opinion of the masses. Use this quote
The American dream seems to be thriving in Europe not at home. Use this quote
Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. Use this quote
The school made it very clear that women were entitled to positions of authority. That sense of entitlement allowed us to feel that we have a natural place in leadership in the world. That gave me a mental and emotional confidence. Use this quote
I met an American woman and got married so I had to get a job. Use this quote
And I think if you look at any relationship, for the relationship to be productive and to move forward and to grow, sometimes things have to be said that one person or the other person is not going to like to hear. Use this quote
Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't carry just a piece of cloth to symbolize his belief in racial equality; he carried the American flag. Use this quote
History repeats itself, and that's one of the things that's wrong with history. Use this quote
There is a question for which we will never know the answer: had the U.S. not launched the Contra war to overthrow the Sandinista government, would they have succeeded in bringing socioeconomic justice to the people of Nicaragua? Use this quote
America needs jobs, smaller government, less spending and a president with the courage to offer more than yet another speech. Use this quote
I think the best American poetry is the poetry that utilizes the resources of poetry rather than exploits the defects or triumphs of the poet's personality. Use this quote
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. Use this quote
Whatever else an American believes or disbelieves about himself, he is absolutely sure he has a sense of humor. Use this quote
It's also much clearer how much damage the occupation of Iraq is doing to America's reputation and prestige around the world; and that's just starting now to hit home in the United States. Use this quote
I wish we would all remember that being American is not just about the freedom we have; it is about those who gave it to us. Use this quote
Even though I grew up as a Sephardic Jew in Brooklyn where we ate Syrian food and went to temple, it was still America. Use this quote
I think what actually works best is local-level individual targeting of key leadership nodes. Use this quote
If anything characterizes the cultural life of the seventies in America, it is an insistence on preventing failures of communication. Use this quote
By making bold cuts in spending and commonsense entitlement reforms, we will make our government simpler, smaller, and smarter. Use this quote