I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security. Use this quote
I think Ralph Nader is the biggest liar in American politics when he said it didn't matter who was president. Use this quote
America's veterans deserve the very best health care because they've earned it. Use this quote
Freedom can occur only through education. Use this quote
I think, in the longer view of things, there is a very powerful pull in the direction of participatory government. Use this quote
What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." Use this quote
I'm not an American but I have always had the outsiders' respect for the American people and the American way. Use this quote
The real 1960s began on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. It came to seem that Kennedy's murder opened some malign trap door in American culture, and the wild bats flapped out. Use this quote
If I did any movies I'd have to take a break from singing, because I'd want it to be really good. Use this quote
Who elected Larry King America's grief counselor? We, the viewing public, did, by driving up his ratings whenever somebody famous passes. Use this quote
Many citizens see all the leadership of these large institutions together in a conspiracy against them rather than in any adversary relationship with each other. Use this quote
Emancipation came to the colored race in America as a war measure. It was an act of military necessity. Manifestly it would have come without war, in the slower process of humanitarian reform and social enlightenment. Use this quote
Politics is the art of the possible; creativity is the art of the impossible. Use this quote
If you have the guts to keep making mistakes, your wisdom and intelligence leap forward with huge momentum. Use this quote
I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history. Use this quote
The only way to prove that you're a good sport is to lose. Use this quote
To what a bad choice is many a worthy woman betrayed, by that false and inconsiderate notion, That a reformed rake makes the best husband! Use this quote
Most illegals are without health insurance, and when these workers need emergency healthcare, the American taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. Use this quote
My mum always felt that women deserved as much as men, and should have as much power, so I suppose I opted to go into a very male-dominated arena to try and prove that. Use this quote
America wants its respect. Use this quote