Trust your ability! Use this quote
I like women, but you can't always trust them. Some of them are big liars, like this one woman I met who had a dog. I asked her her dog's name and then I asked, 'Does he bite?' and she said, 'No.' And I said, 'So how does he eat?' Liar! Use this quote
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer. Use this quote
You desire that which exceeds my humble powers, but I trust in the compassion and mercy of the All-powerful God. Use this quote
The time I trust will come, perhaps within the lives of some of us, when the outline of this science will be clearly made out and generally recognised, when its nomenclature will be fixed, and its principles form a part of elementary instruction. Use this quote
I don't trust Santa Barbara as far as I can spit. I am afraid that if I went back there, it's possible that I could be run through their system, their judicial system, and wind up in some county jail where I could be killed and I'm not gonna take that chance. Use this quote
Some directors cast you because they trust you to do the performance - but then they forget to direct you. Use this quote
My biggest challenge is trust, and really believing that trust, in letting things just happen personally and professionally and trust with myself. But I'm getting better at it. Use this quote
We have to compete in a universe of 200 networks, so we have to carve out our own niche, and to me, that niche is just basic shoe-leather journalism with some good journalists at the helm you can trust as presenters. Use this quote
I wanted to trust in my partners and the directors and producers and do the best I can to deliver what I could deliver. Use this quote
The best situation is where they cast you and then they trust you. Use this quote
The Christian must trust in a withdrawing God. Use this quote
To say that you now trust the Russian military command and control system because some Russian general told you from the bottom of his heart that's the case, strikes me as most unrealistic. Use this quote
To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past. The prudent heir takes careful inventory of his legacies and gives a faithful accounting to those whom he owes an obligation of trust. Use this quote
I don't trust anybody who didn't inhale. Use this quote
These are very subtle things, of course, and I don't expect everyone to pick them up consciously, but I think that there is something there that you must be able to feel, there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level. Use this quote
Quakers almost as good as colored. They call themselves friends and you can trust them every time. Use this quote
Superman was never previewed because the producers didn't trust Warners with the film. Use this quote
Our authorities leave us no doubt that the trust lodged with the oligarchy was sometimes abused, but it certainly ought not to be regarded as a mere usurpation or engine of tyranny. Use this quote
When a man has no reason to trust himself, he trusts in luck. Use this quote