Technology is anything that wasn't around when you were born. Use this quote
By 2007, we were finally living in a culture where people get what networks are and what technology can do to connect people. Use this quote
Cinema reflects culture and there is no harm in adapting technology, but not at the cost of losing your originality. Use this quote
The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art. Use this quote
Computer technology is so built into our lives that it's part of the surround of every artist. Use this quote
While the rest of the world has been improving technology, Ghana has been improving the quality of man's humanity to man. Use this quote
In the face of technology, everything becomes a little atavistic. Use this quote
As a matter of fact, when compression technology came along, we thought the future in 1996 was about voice. We got it wrong. It is about voice, video, and data, and that is what we have today on these cell phones. Use this quote
We're competing with everything: the beach, the mall, bookstores. Libraries are in a transition right now, caught between two forces, the old ways and technology. Libraries are under a lot of pressure to provide both. Use this quote
I think it is inevitable that people program poorly. Training will not substantially help matters. We have to learn to live with it. Use this quote
Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years, and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil. Use this quote
The technology backbone is no longer an afterthought. Use this quote
Accordingly, it is our task to ensure that the Government formulates policies that foster the continued development of the IT sector while also providing for citizens' access to technology and opportunity for economic advancement. Use this quote
There was once a time when art history and film were basically the same medium, but art history is frozen in late-19th-century technology that has survived into the early 21st century. Use this quote
If we had had the right technology back then, you would have seen Eva Braun on the Donahue show and Adolf Hitler on Meet the Press. Use this quote
Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds. Use this quote
It's impossible to move, to live, to operate at any level without leaving traces, bits, seemingly meaningless fragments of personal information. Use this quote
It's big production. It's huge. It's using studio technology to your benefit. You don't go in and play live and then just take the tapes and get them mastered. You have to create. Use this quote
Building one space station for everyone was and is insane: we should have built a dozen. Use this quote
If your goal is anything but profitability - if it's to be big, or to grow fast, or to become a technology leader - you'll hit problems. Use this quote