I think you can have 10,000 explanations for failure, but no good explanation for success. Use this quote
The envious man grows lean at the success of his neighbor. Use this quote
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. Use this quote
One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation. Use this quote
Success consecrates the most offensive crimes. Use this quote
I've learned it's always better to have a small percentage of a big success, than a hundred percent of nothing. Use this quote
Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility. Use this quote
The one phrase you can use is that success has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan. Use this quote
A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your success! Use this quote
The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. Use this quote
Success can make you go one of two ways. It can make you a prima donna - or it can smooth the edges, take away the insecurities, let the nice things come out. Use this quote
My success was due to good luck, hard work, and support and advice from friends and mentors. But most importantly, it depended on me to keep trying after I had failed. Use this quote
Success is always something completely different to people. I feel like I've succeeded, if I'm doing something that makes me happy and I'm not lying to anybody. I'm not doing that now, so I feel really good about myself. Use this quote
Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses. Use this quote
I believe success is preparation, because opportunity is going to knock on your door sooner or later but are you prepared to answer that? Use this quote
I've had great success being a total idiot. Use this quote
Hopefully I'll continue to have the success I've had. Use this quote
I don't know what keeps me going. Sometimes I wonder... I think it's just pure perseverance and wanting to succeed and having that burning desire to always have success. Use this quote
Our success educationally, industrially and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa. Use this quote
The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it. Use this quote