I regard golf as an expensive way of playing marbles. Use this quote
Sport was my absolute love. It was very sporty household. We had my - my brother and I both loved sports. Use this quote
My commitment to Atlanta and passion for sports and competition make this acquisition a perfect fit for me. Use this quote
If you are going to throw a club, it is important to throw it ahead of you, down the fairway, so you don't have to waste energy going back to pick it up. Use this quote
I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports. Use this quote
Sports are one of the main cultural activities on the face of the earth. Use this quote
I don't watch a lot of television. Sports and news, that's it. Use this quote
It's not just the NFL. Every other league has a draft. It has been fundamental to the success of professional sports. Use this quote
I did a shoot for 'Sports Illustrated,' and my grandpa called me and asked when my issue of 'Playboy' was coming out. It was hilarious as well as embarrassing. Use this quote
Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing. Use this quote
Baseball is drama with an endless run and an ever-changing cast. Use this quote
But sports photography isn't something you just pick up overnight. You can't do it once a year for fun and expect to do a good job. And I take pride in what I do. Use this quote
Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. Use this quote
Sports is like rock 'n' roll. Both are dominant cultural forces, both speak an international language, and both are all about emotions. Use this quote
Competing in both track and field and basketball for the Bruins I have a lot of great memories to choose from. But my all-time favorite moment in collegiate sports has to be in 1982 when we won UCLA's first NCAA title in track. Use this quote
New Yorkers love it when you spill your guts out there. Spill your guts at Wimbledon and they make you stop and clean it up. Use this quote
I think extreme sports are really good for relieving stress. Use this quote
Sports is the toy department of human life. Use this quote
I think team sports probably teach you more about giving - about being unselfish and being flexible. Use this quote
The game of golf would lose a great deal if croquet mallets and billiard cues were allowed on the putting green. Use this quote