The man of science is a poor philosopher. Use this quote
Further, the dignity of the science itself seems to require that every possible means be explored for the solution of a problem so elegant and so celebrated. Use this quote
There's no doubt that scientific training helps many authors to write better science fiction. And yet, several of the very best were English majors who could not parse a differential equation to save their lives. Use this quote
While that amendment failed, human cloning continues to advance and the breakthrough in this unethical and morally questionable science is around the corner. Use this quote
From my earliest acquaintance with the science of political economy, it has been evident to my mind that capital was the product of labor, and that therefore, in its best analysis there could be no natural conflict between capital and labor. Use this quote
No one was going to stop me from writing and no one had to really guide me towards science fiction. It was natural, really, that I would take that interest. Use this quote
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce. Use this quote
We are a studying nation. Scholarship from science is important to the whole world and those people need to be able to be safe and secure in what they do. Use this quote
We must always emphasize research and development of science and mathematics, and I can think of no better way to achieve this than through our future in space. Use this quote
Modem science, then, maintains on the one hand that nature, both organic and inorganic, strives towards a state of order and that man's actions are governed by the same tendency. Use this quote
They've also asked me now to start on another series that we're gonna do after this Frontier Earth. But it's not science fiction, it's more in the Mystery and Crime division and that's another area I'm very interested in. Use this quote
We need to be pro-science; we have to go back to science. Use this quote
Anthropology was the science that gave her the platform from which she surveyed, scolded and beamed at the world. Use this quote
I don't really see science fiction as fiction. I can imagine colonies on Mars and everything. Use this quote
The purpose of science is not to analyze or describe but to make useful models of the world. A model is useful if it allows us to get use out of it. Use this quote
Software Engineering might be science; but that's not what I do. I'm a hacker, not an engineer. Use this quote
Traditional science is all about finding shortcuts. Use this quote
I am not a scientist. I am, rather, an impresario of scientists. Use this quote
The march of science and technology does not imply growing intellectual complexity in the lives of most people. It often means the opposite. Use this quote
The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. Use this quote