I want to say with the utmost of sincerity, not as a Republican, but as an American, that I have great respect for Senator Obama's historic achievement to become his party's nominee, not because of his color, but with indifference to it. Use this quote
I get no respect. The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest. Use this quote
Men naturally despise those who court them, but respect those who do not give way to them. Use this quote
I want to be remembered as somebody that tried to respect her integrity as an artist and as a person. And I don't want to be in any box. I don't want to be one thing. Use this quote
The idea that you earn things - that you earn respect, that you earn income, responsibility. the vote, punishment... these ideas are anathema to the liberal mind. Use this quote
When I speak of "cycles," I am referring to lengthy intervals of relative homogeneity, if not in the resolving of problems, than at least with respect to the consistency of their capacity to productively irritate. Use this quote
He who does not accept and respect those who want to reject life does not truly accept and respect life itself. Use this quote
The more you make fun of yourself and don't try to go for any kind of respect, the more people seem to respect you. Use this quote
I work with people I admire and respect. It's never because of who they are. Use this quote
Everyone in society should be a role model, not only for their own self-respect, but for respect from others. Use this quote
My stories are about humans and how they react, or fail to react, or react stupidly. I'm pointing the finger at us, not at the zombies. I try to respect and sympathize with the zombies as much as possible. Use this quote
I would never want to live in L.A., and I made that decision years ago, so I never chose that path for myself, although I have much respect for those that do it at a high level. Use this quote
I always got great respect as a bass player. Use this quote
I carried through well with my tennis. I got the respect by usage of the tennis racket. Use this quote
I like going to rifle and pistol clubs and joining them in target shooting. I also share the same respect for individual initiative and love of family. Use this quote
I'm always pushing for human responsibility. Given that chimpanzees and many other animals are sentient and sapient, then we should treat them with respect. Use this quote
I have found that the players who have played in that game really do have respect for their adversaries. Use this quote
Renown? I've already got more of it than those I respect, and will never have as much as those for whom I feel contempt. Use this quote
If you don't stand for something, how can anyone respect what you do? Use this quote
How sick one gets of being "good," how much I should respect myself if I could burst out and make everyone wretched for twenty-four hours; embody selfishness. Use this quote