I think there is one higher office than president and I would call that patriot. Use this quote
In politics stupidity is not a handicap. Use this quote
I was really fascinated by politics. It always has been part of my view that politics really is a calling or you wouldn't go into it, because it's demanding and potentially has a toll on you and your family. Use this quote
I seldom think of politics more than eighteen hours a day. Use this quote
While everyone else is thinking about economics and politics, executive salaries and the future of the euro, do the opposite, even if it's hard. Invest in the spirit. Use this quote
The challenge in working in politics, particularly if you're working for a political party, is that everyone's a messenger. Use this quote
The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country. Use this quote
Talk of citizenship today is often thin and tinny. The word has a faintly old-fashioned feel to it when used in everyday conversation. When evoked in national politics, it's usually accompanied by the shrill whine of a descending culture-war mortar. Use this quote
There can only be democracy when money is not allowed to be spent in Politics. Use this quote
I was looking for something like baseball, where there's a lot of data and the competition was pretty low. That's when I discovered politics. Use this quote
People are fed up with the politics where candidates just rip each other apart and then the voters lose in the end because no one really knows what anybody stands for. Use this quote
I'm not going to talk like I know about politics, because I'm a total amateur, but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren't normally interested in politics. Use this quote
Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life. Use this quote
Conscience has no more to do with gallantry than it has with politics. Use this quote
Nothing is irreparable in politics. Use this quote
I haven't been very active in politics. Use this quote
I'm not a political person. When I start to get into it, it just upsets me. I feel so powerless when it comes to politics. So I've just decided to be non-political and very, very pro-soldier. Use this quote
I hate injustice, and I can't help but speak against it. But I don't want to get involved in politics. Use this quote
We're seeing quite a lot of people who really would like a return to class-based politics. Use this quote
Life without liberty is like a body without spirit. Use this quote