We are naive and moralistic women. We are human beings who find politics a blight upon the human condition. And do not know how one copes with it except through politics. Use this quote
All tools have intrinsic politics and technology is the tool of now. Use this quote
Until politics are a branch of science we shall do well to regard political and social reforms as experiments rather than short-cuts to the millennium. Use this quote
I don't fancy myself a political commentator. I hate politics. I hate it. Use this quote
Politics is very interesting and always leads to conflict. Use this quote
I was in the room with, you know, more than a dozen Republicans trying to negotiate the stimulus. Most of them decided the politics of the situation meant they should walk away, even if it wasn't responsible in terms of what our country needed right then. Use this quote
You don't go into politics unless you want to win. Use this quote
In the melting pot that is America, inclusive trumps exclusive. Whether it's single women, young adults, or minorities, alienating the rapidly growing voting blocs is not smart politics. Use this quote
People like passion in politics. Use this quote
In politics, madame, you need two things: friends, but above all an enemy. Use this quote
There are times in politics when you must be on the right side and lose. Use this quote
I can't say I follow politics extremely closely, but I'm definitely aware of what's going on in the world. Use this quote
When I got into politics, it was a shock. People promise all sorts of things and then never deliver. Use this quote
You do the policy, I'll do the politics. Use this quote
On the other side, I do believe that the rhetoric we are seeing from the Democrats today is unprecedented, is a new low in presidential politics and goes beyond political discourse and amounts to political hate speech. Use this quote
The trouble with Nixon is that he's a serious politics junkie. He's totally hooked and like any other junkie, he's a bummer to have around, especially as President. Use this quote
You may think the president is all-powerful, but he is not. He needs a lot of guidance from the Lord. Use this quote
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. Use this quote
Every person has only so much attention to give, and politics and government takes up only a fraction of what it did 25 years ago. Use this quote
You should never ask actors about politics. Use this quote