No one out there is interested in who did what to whom in Westminster politics. Use this quote
You never know what'll happen in politics. Use this quote
Politics is very interesting and always leads to conflict. Use this quote
Please don't ask me any questions about the politics of 30 years ago. Use this quote
Arkansas is a state where politics is retail. Use this quote
Politics is the womb in which war develops. Use this quote
You've got to watch the politics of AIDS. The politics of AIDS can work both for and against the victims of AIDS. Use this quote
As I prepare for this next phase in my life, I ask that people continue to offer the prayers that have protected me thus far. I also pray that I will always see those who are not seen and easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of Washington politics. Use this quote
Now interpersonal politics... that's what it's all about. Use this quote
In politics, every day is filled with numerous opportunities for serious error. Enjoy it. Use this quote
I was a woman in a man's world. I was a Democrat in a Republican administration. I was an intellectual in a world of bureaucrats. I talked differently. This may have made me a bit like an ink blot. Use this quote
All tools have intrinsic politics and technology is the tool of now. Use this quote
The politicians were talking themselves red, white and blue in the face. Use this quote
Half a truth is better than no politics. Use this quote
Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where there are millions, that is where serious politics begin. Use this quote
It's called political economy because it is has nothing to do with either politics or economy. Use this quote
Some of the FDA's own scientists have charged that politics, not science, is behind the FDA's actions. Use this quote
Yes, you need substance in politics - but I think your style also says something about how you arrive at some of your conclusions. Use this quote
I'm always rather nervous about how you talk about women who are active in politics, whether they want to be talked about as women or as politicians. Use this quote
Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear. Use this quote