And inasmuch as the bridge is a symbol of all such poetry as I am interested in writing it is my present fancy that a year from now I'll be more contented working in an office than ever before. Use this quote
Poetry is life distilled. Use this quote
It's not easy to define poetry. Use this quote
However, I learned something. I thought that if the young person, the student, has poetry in him or her, to offer them help is like offering a propeller to a bird. Use this quote
I think that is where poetry reading becomes such an individual thing. I mean I have friend who like poets who just don't say anything to me at all, I mean they seem to me rather ordinary and pedestrian. Use this quote
Poetry is at the centre of my life, too, emotionally speaking, and intellectually speaking - it's just that I'm one of those people who enjoy doing other stuff as well. Use this quote
Wanted: a needle swift enough to sew this poem into a blanket. Use this quote
In the language of poetry, where every word is weighed, nothing is usual or normal. Not a single stone and not a single cloud above it. Not a single day and not a single night after it. And above all, not a single existence, not anyone's existence in this world. Use this quote
Poetry involves the mysteries of the irrational perceived through rational words. Use this quote
Poetry is a sword of lightning, ever unsheathed, which consumes the scabbard that would contain it. Use this quote
PC stuff just lowers the general acceptance of good work and replaces it with bogus poetry that celebrates values that in themselves are probably quite worthy. Use this quote
All one's inventions are true, you can be sure of that. Poetry is as exact a science as geometry. Use this quote
But I can only write what the muse allows me to write. I cannot choose, I can only do what I am given, and I feel pleased when I feel close to concrete poetry - still. Use this quote
There is probably nothing wrong with art for art's sake if we take the phrase seriously, and not take it to mean the kind of poetry written in England forty years ago. Use this quote
I was one of those dark, quiet kids that wrote poetry. Use this quote
I credit poetry for making this space-walk possible. Use this quote
So it is in poetry. All we ask is that the mood recorded shall impress us as having been of the kind that exhausts the imaginative capacity; if it fails to do this the failure will announce itself either in prose or in insignificant verse. Use this quote
I'm not a writer. I think I can write short stories and poetry, but film writing, brilliant film writing, is a talent - you can't just do it like that. Use this quote
Art: If the object of poetry is, to make men, then poetry is the heir of prophecy. Use this quote
I sometimes talk about the making of a poem within the poem. Use this quote