Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. Use this quote
The greater the state, the more wrong and cruel its patriotism, and the greater is the sum of suffering upon which its power is founded. Use this quote
Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first. Use this quote
I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world. Use this quote
A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. Use this quote
My commitment to the Republican movement was pure and simply patriotism, a love of Australia... a desire or passion that all of our national symbols should be unequivocally and unambiguously Australian. Use this quote
I believe patriotism comes from the heart. Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and allegiance that is the result of knowledge and belief. Use this quote
Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them! Use this quote
There is a real patriotism underneath the best of my music but it is a critical, questioning and often angry patriotism. Use this quote
It was patriotism, not communism, that inspired me. Use this quote
I think English film is very embarrassed by patriotism, generally. Use this quote
Unfortunately, after Sept. 11, there was an outburst in America of intense suffering and patriotism, and the Bush administration was very shrewd and effective in painting anyone who disagreed with the policies as unpatriotic or even traitorous. Use this quote
In every society in human history, including the United States, those in power seek to imbue themselves with the attributes of religion and patriotism as a way of getting greater support for their policy and insulating themselves from any criticism. Use this quote
Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars. Use this quote
Patriotism. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. Use this quote
Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred, and always stronger than internationalism. Use this quote
The heights of popularity and patriotism are still the beaten road to power and tyranny. Use this quote
You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it or who says it. Use this quote
Patriotism, when it wants to make itself felt in the domain of learning, is a dirty fellow who should be thrown out of doors. Use this quote
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. Use this quote