Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity. Use this quote
I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers. Use this quote
If we can find God only as he is revealed in nature we have no moral God. Use this quote
Here take back the stuff that I am, nature, knead it back into the dough of being, make of me a bush, a cloud, whatever you will, even a man, only no longer make me me. Use this quote
Everything in excess is opposed to nature. Use this quote
All nature wears one universal grin. Use this quote
And out of darkness came the hands that reach thro' nature, moulding men. Use this quote
Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them? Use this quote
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. Use this quote
There were no temples or shrines among us save those of nature. Use this quote
No author ever drew a character consistent to human nature, but he was forced to ascribe to it many inconsistencies. Use this quote
We don't do things we aren't good at by nature. I wouldn't play basketball because I'm only 5' 1". Find what you enjoy - whether it's racing, flying a helicopter, being a doctor, or stitching clothes together. Once you've done that, you have the passion you need. Use this quote
Games, by nature, have more plot options and non-linear qualities than TV and film. Use this quote
The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. Use this quote
Wars will remain while human nature remains. I believe in my soul in cooperation, in arbitration; but the soldier's occupation we cannot say is gone until human nature is gone. Use this quote
Maybe nature is fundamentally ugly, chaotic and complicated. But if it's like that, then I want out. Use this quote
I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets. Use this quote
The fairest thing in nature, a flower, still has its roots in earth and manure. Use this quote
In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires. Use this quote
Mother Nature may be forgiving this year, or next year, but eventually she's going to come around and whack you. You've got to be prepared. Use this quote