I know how to do anything, I'm a mom. Use this quote
My mom was a Democrat and I was scared to death that she was gonna blow it. First I was going to hell with Monroe, and now to Republican hell with Nixon. Use this quote
All of us kids ended up 'doing Mom.' There are four of us who've tried show business. Five if you insist on counting my sister the nun, who does liturgical dance. Use this quote
When love is gone, there's always justice. And when justice is gone, there's always force. And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi, Mom! Use this quote
So much of our lives are defined by habit or what the guy next to us is doing, never wondering and knowing who and what we support with our actions, from the detergent Mom always used, to my favorite dish I make... A lot of my life is unexamined habit. Use this quote
You know, I don't think any mother aims to be a single mom. I didn't wish for that, but it happened. Use this quote
My mother was predominately a stay-at-home mom. Use this quote
I like my name. My mom named me after a song by the 1970s group Bread. So, it's meaningful, and I like the song. It's a love song - kind of - but it's kind of depressing and dark. Use this quote
I learned a lot from my Mom. My favorite lesson: remember there is no such thing as a certain way to parent and to remember that you are learning along with your child - it's ok to make mistakes. Use this quote
I was always at peace because of the way my mom treated me. Use this quote
I wanted to be a 150% entrepreneur and a 150% mom, and I found that I was having a very hard time doing both. I was about 75% and 75% - still better than 100%, but not what I was accustomed to at work. Use this quote
I make a lot of mistakes, too, and I'm constantly re-evaluating how I'm doing things and trying to be better every day, whether it's as a mom or taking care of myself. Use this quote
In all honesty, at that time, I never saw myself as an author... I was just a Mom in a state of panic, trying to enter a short story contest to win the prize money in order to keep the lights on in my home. Use this quote
My house has always been like everyone's house. You walk in, you're a part of the family, no matter who you are, what celebrity status you are, everyone is treated the same - with love from my mom. Use this quote
I think I'd be a great mom, honestly. I don't think I'll have any problem giving them all the love in the world. Discipline will be the hard part. Use this quote
I've been a pretty selfish mom and a very unselfish athlete for about three years now and it's time to put my family first. It's probably time to move on. Use this quote
My mom is at my house every day, and she nags me about everything, especially hygiene. Use this quote
President Obama likes to talk about the Buffett Rule. Well, here's a Buffett Rule that all Americans should be able to support: mom and pop businesses should not pay a higher tax rate than Fortune 500 corporations like Warren Buffett's. Use this quote
I took piano for many years. I kicked and screamed through all of my lessons, but my mom really insisted. Use this quote
It's impossible to put yourself first when you're a mom. Use this quote