Writing a novel is one of those modern rites of passage, I think, that lead us from an innocent world of contentment, drunkenness, and good humor, to a state of chronic edginess and the perpetual scanning of bank statements. Use this quote
I realized women and humor were linked very closely. Use this quote
Prior to Wordsworth, humor was an essential part of poetry. I mean, they don't call them Shakespeare comedies for nothing. Use this quote
A sense of humor is good for you. Have you ever heard of a laughing hyena with heart burn? Use this quote
An emotional man may possess no humor, but a humorous man usually has deep pockets of emotion, sometimes tucked away or forgotten. Use this quote
Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. Use this quote
You have to have a sense of humor about life to get through it. Use this quote
In the 'Hurt Locker' there's a lot of me in there, a sense of humor, a man of few words and a lot of action. Use this quote
Any man who has had the job I've had and didn't have a sense of humor wouldn't still be here. Use this quote
In conversation, humor is worth more than wit and easiness more than knowledge. Use this quote
There is humor in the specter of the worst disaster in our nation's history. All I have to do is sweep away the debris of shock to find it. Use this quote
I'm not for gratuitous nudity, but if there's humor, I don't have a problem. Use this quote
We're starting to push the envelope in terms of the expectations, and you can also have your own style, personality and sense of humor, because now we're allowed to. Use this quote
I tried to go out for theater or theater arts, but I was too scared or too intimidated. But I had a lot of friends on the cross country team that had great senses of humor. Use this quote
In prehistoric times, mankind often had only two choices in crisis situations: fight or flee. In modern times, humor offers us a third alternative; fight, flee - or laugh. Use this quote
It's continuously humbling to work hard, you know? As long as you've got a good work ethic and a sense of humor, I don't think anybody can become too much of an egoist under those circumstances. Use this quote
Men will confess to treason, murder, arson, false teeth, or a wig. How many of them will own up to a lack of humor? Use this quote
Lesbian humor isn't trying to sell anything, it doesn't have to sell out. Coming out as a lesbian onstage is still a very political act; if it weren't, more women would do it. Use this quote
It doesn't take many people to have a bad sense of humor to get in trouble at a corporation. Use this quote
Insult is powerful. Insult begets both rage and humor and often at the same time. Use this quote