I want to go down in history. Use this quote
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. Use this quote
I sent American troops to Iraq to make its people free, not to make them American. Iraqis will write their own history and find their own way. Use this quote
You have reckoned that history ought to judge the past and to instruct the contemporary world as to the future. The present attempt does not yield to that high office. It will merely tell how it really was. Use this quote
The only history is a mere question of one's struggle inside oneself. But that is the joy of it. One need neither discover Americas nor conquer nations, and yet one has as great a work as Columbus or Alexander, to do. Use this quote
But let me tell you, this gender thing is history. You're looking at a guy who sat down with Margaret Thatcher across the table and talked about serious issues. Use this quote
But when you are embodied in a location, in a physical plant, in a set of people, and in a common history, that constrains your evolution and your ability to evolve in certain directions. Use this quote
Sometimes - history needs a push. Use this quote
The Jews' greatest contribution to history is dissatisfaction! We're a nation born to be discontented. Whatever exists we believe can be changed for the better. Use this quote
We are a big country, with lots of advantages and history. We are proud to be French. We have to call on patriotism at this time... to ask for an effort in the battle against debt. Use this quote
We all had to learn Southern accents. It wasn't a big research show. With the 'Wounded Knee' project, I locked myself in my apartment with history books so I would know what we're talking about. Use this quote
Western history has been a history of deed done, actions performed and results achieved. Use this quote
Nixon in 1968, unlike Obama 2008, was elected as a minority president with only 43 percent of the vote. Yet, in 1972, he won what, in some measures, was the most lopsided election in American history with 61 percent. Use this quote
Throughout this country's history there have of course been systematic efforts to create an official underclass. Use this quote
No country in the history of the world has ever contributed more to humankind and accomplished more for its people in so brief a period of time as Israel has done since its relatively recent rebirth in 1948. Use this quote
Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood? Use this quote
The Communist regime didn't consider this to be a shining moment in history and assigned no heroism to it. They classified it as merely an accident. Use this quote
The worst mistake of first contact, made throughout history by individuals on both sides of every new encounter, has been the unfortunate habit of making assumptions. It often proved fatal. Use this quote
I had a minor in Russian history, and this was at the time when the big Cold War was going on. Use this quote
As women, we're probably more protective of children. Also, we've been minors all of our history. Use this quote