As the earth spins through space, a view from above the North Pole would encompass most of the wealth of the world - most of its food, productive machines, doctors, engineers and teachers. A view from the opposite pole would encompass most of the world's poor. Use this quote
I haven't eaten at a McDonald's since I became President. Use this quote
On long haul flights I always drink loads and loads of water and eat light and healthy food. Use this quote
The Paris peace talks kept a roof over my head and food on the table and clothes on my back because if something was said going in or coming out, I had the rent for the month. Use this quote
Everyone would talk about their diets and working out and what it made me do was go to craft services where all the food for the cast and crew was and I would eat. Use this quote
Most food you drop is still perfectly edible. If it was in your eyesight the whole time, you can pick it up and eat it. Use this quote
For some Chicago expats, food is the medicine that blunts the pain of separation. Use this quote
I love potatoes - they're my favorite food. Use this quote
There's not one food that causes diabetes.What causes Type II diabetes is being overweight... I've just come to grips, over the past four or five months, with my diabetes. Use this quote
In the States, you can buy Chinese food. In Beijing you can buy hamburger. It's very close. Now I feel the world become a big family, like a really big family. You have many neighbors. Not like before, two countries are far away. Use this quote
What I've been developing is a vegan fast food chain and vegan food markets. Use this quote
You don't need a silver fork to eat good food. Use this quote
We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted. Use this quote
Right after I graduated high school, I joined a sushi restaurant to learn how to make Japanese food. And then spent seven years. Then that time - that's enough. Then sushi restaurant - butchering fish and they make your body smell like fishy. Use this quote
Food is fuel and not a solution to anything other than giving your body nutrients. I love chocolate like the next girl, but it's not going to change my situation. Use this quote
Temptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction. Use this quote
I mean, on the food chain, do instruments really rate? I don't think so. Use this quote
As far away as you can get from the process of mechanisms and machinery, the more likely your food's going to taste good. And that - that is probably the largest thing I can hand to anybody is let your hands touch it. Let them make it. Use this quote
I also try to eat as much raw food and clean food as possible. Use this quote
If the first requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite, the second is to put in your apprenticeship as a feeder when you have enough money to pay the check but not enough to produce indifference of the total. Use this quote