Why has it seemed that the only way to protect the environment is with heavy-handed government regulation? Use this quote
A knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world's nations toward saving the climate. Use this quote
You may be able to fool the voters, but not the atmosphere. Use this quote
If the federal government had been around when the Creator was putting His hand to this state, Indiana wouldn't be here. It'd still be waiting for an environmental impact statement. Use this quote
The Endangered Species Act is the strongest and most effective tool we have to repair the environmental harm that is causing a species to decline. Use this quote
New Zealand needs to balance its environmental responsibilities with its economic opportunities, because the risk is that if you don't do that - and you want to lead the world - then you might end up getting unintended consequences. Use this quote
At Current, television is all we do - that's our business. We don't have amusement parks I have to worry about, we don't have environmental cases against us, we don't have a series of outdoor-advertising companies. Use this quote
We have a project with Unocal here in Los Angeles, where we as an environmental organization, the oil company, and the state all get together to promote the recycling of used motor oil. Use this quote
The position I took at the time was that we hadn't really examined any of the potential environmental consequences of introducing genetically modified organisms. Use this quote
For me, going vegan was an ethical and environmental decision. I'm doing the right thing by the animals. Use this quote
Having yet another vote on refinery legislation that uses high oil prices as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and to give more legislative gifts to the oil industry is misguided in the extreme. Use this quote
I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment. Use this quote
People blame their environment. There is only one person to blame - and only one - themselves. Use this quote
In every case, the environmental hazards were made known only by independent scientists, who were often bitterly opposed by the corporations responsible for the hazards. Use this quote
Local innovation and initiative can help us better understand how to protect our environment. Use this quote
If we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose. Use this quote
The environmental crisis is a global problem, and only global action will resolve it. Use this quote
We have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight - the fight for electoral justice. Use this quote
Global markets must be balanced by global values such as respect for human rights and international law, democracy, security and sustainable economic and environmental development. Use this quote
I wanted to help raise awareness, so I created an environmental foundation called Just Within Reach. Use this quote