I don't think anybody anywhere can talk about the future of their people or of an organization without talking about education. Whoever controls the education of our children controls our future. Use this quote
My parents had an old-fashioned ideal of college, that four years at a liberal arts college should be a liberal arts education. Use this quote
I feel like in America, we don't have a kid problem. You think about all these issues that these kids are dealing with, we have an adult problem. We have adults that do not place the priority on our kids to get a valuable education. Use this quote
My father had very little formal education. Use this quote
Human education is concerned with certain changes in the intellects, characters and behavior of men, its problems being roughly included under these four topics: Aims, materials, means and methods. Use this quote
We have not given science too big a place in our education, but we have made a perilous mistake in giving it too great a preponderance in method in every other branch of study. Use this quote
Ignorance and a narrow education lay the foundation of vice, and imitation and custom rear it up. Use this quote
Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen. Use this quote
But the dollars spent on economic incentives and new investment strategies are wasted unless we seriously address the two most important economic issues in Kansas: education and health care. Use this quote
It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own. If he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete. Use this quote
The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas. Use this quote
Education and democracy have the same goal: the fullest possible development of human capabilities. Use this quote
English girls' schools today providing the higher education are, so far as my knowledge goes, worthily representative of that astonishing rise in the intellectual standards of women which has taken place in the last half-century. Use this quote
We're first on executions. We're 49th in funding public education. We're in a race with Mississippi for the bottom, and we're winning. Use this quote
Education is a continual process, it's like a bicycle... If you don't pedal you don't go forward. Use this quote
Education is the movement from darkness to light. Use this quote
There have been studies that clearly state that children who are exposed to arts education at a young age will in fact do markedly better in their SAT tests. Use this quote
As Indians, we must of course learn from the past; but we must remain focused on the future. In my view, education is the true alchemy that can bring India its next golden age. Use this quote
The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend one's leisure. Use this quote
When they favor the access of other people to education and health care, the countries of the North not only demonstrate generosity or solidarity, but also implement the principles of respecting and promoting human rights. Use this quote
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