But what I was going to say was, I just figured I'm going to go boldly in the direction of my dreams, say it as Thoreau would say, and just see where it takes me. Use this quote
Men act out like they're horrified by marriage, but when they find the woman of their dreams, they love it. Use this quote
The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else. Use this quote
I might be writing what people expect me to write, writing from that place where I might be ruled by economic considerations. To overcome that, I started working with my dreams, because I'm not so censored when I use dream material. Use this quote
I am rich beyond the dreams of avarice. Use this quote
Mr. Tennyson has said that more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of, but he wisely refrains from saying whether they are good or bad things. Use this quote
Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. Use this quote
Take pleasure in your dreams; relish your principles and drape your purest feelings on the heart of a precious lover. Use this quote
I know how men in exile feed on dreams. Use this quote
Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams. Use this quote
As you look back at your life, there are just a million different things that have happened, just in the right way, to allow you to make your dreams come true. And you know, someone has all that under control. Use this quote
Follow your dreams. Just make sure to have fun too. Use this quote
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Use this quote
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. Use this quote
Rude contact with facts chased my visions and dreams quickly away, and in their stead I beheld the horrors, the corruption, the evils and hypocrisy of society, and as I stood among them, a young wife, a great wail of agony went out from my soul. Use this quote
With unemployment still abysmally high, the Obama economy is crushing Hispanics' dreams for their children to live a better life. Use this quote
It's not my job to dream your dreams. It's my job to make your dreams become a reality. Use this quote
I can't sing but I can understand wanting to keep a balance, trying to pursue dreams, while creating a stable environment for my children. Use this quote
Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be. Use this quote
You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning. Use this quote