I'm on a strict gossip diet. No gossip websites, no gossip magazines. Otherwise, I find it paralyzing to exist. Use this quote
Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments. Use this quote
Sometimes I've had to put myself on a diet. Use this quote
How much obesity has to be created in a single decade for people to realize that diet has to be responsible for it? Use this quote
I'm a wonderful disaster. So are you. We're all a mess. We're in this culture that says take this pill and you'll be happy, go on this diet and you'll be thinner, have your teeth whitened, people will love you more. Use this quote
My parents have been incredibly supportive from perhaps the first real independent decision I made to become a vegetarian at 11, which was certainly not consistent with their diet at the time. Use this quote
I've been more or less vegetarian for about 40 years. Health diet really helps. I do meditation every day, and either yoga or sport several times a week. Use this quote
I'm not strictly vegetarian, but meat doesn't play a big part in my diet. Use this quote
The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it. Use this quote
I do follow a version of the Dukan diet, but I don't follow it to the extreme so a lot of fish and vegetables. If I want chocolate I'll let myself have a bit of chocolate in moderation. Use this quote
I have been dairy free for several years, and I started because I felt it was going to reduce my allergies, which it did, and help me lose weight, which it did. Use this quote
I am now in that happy comfortable state that I do not hesitate to indulge in any fancy in regard to diet, but watch the consequences, and do not continue any course which adds to weight or bulk and consequent discomfort. Use this quote
As American as an apple is and as American as baseball is, they don't go together. You can't be chewing an apple at a baseball game. You've got to let go of the diet that day. Use this quote
You take the healthiest diet in the world, if you gave those people vitamins, they would be twice as healthy. So vitamins are valuable. Use this quote
I still indulge in a glass of wine or chocolate - treats are mandatory. Without deviating from the day-to-day healthy diet once in a while, it wouldn't be sustainable for me, and that's what I wanted: an approach to eating to last my entire life. Use this quote
Our society's strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders, most of them young women. Use this quote
People who shop in health food stores never look healthy. Use this quote
I've never been on a fad diet. Use this quote
Uh, I just had an operation last March which was rather serious and I'm recuperating now. I'm on a very bland diet. But, uh, I'm lucky, I was just lucky, that's all. Use this quote
I need protein from food rather than just protein supplements. I changed my diet. Use this quote