It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls. Use this quote
I just finished my homework fast, I was bored to death. There wasn't 500 channels so there was a thing for a librarian to teach a kid like me about reading. I started reading early and I read all the time, because I love it. Use this quote
The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world. Use this quote
I went to medical school because I wanted to ask the big questions. Do we have a soul? Does God exist? What happens after death? Use this quote
If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot. Use this quote
I would lying if I said I would laugh in the face of death. Use this quote
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure. Use this quote
When theater becomes a soothing middle-class thing, when it's packaged as the Night Out, then that's the death of it. Use this quote
I've always had bronchitis. I've been administered the Sacrament of Death three times for it. Use this quote
The drink? Yes, I've had tough times in my life, especially the last year, regarding my ex-wife, my kids, I nearly broke my neck, I was on death row with pneumonia. Use this quote
Everybody thinks I'm at death's door, but I'm not. There's nothing seriously wrong with me, and my heart is in 100 percent working order. Anything else you may hear is a damn lie! Use this quote
I believe that his death and resurrection transformed humanity's relationship with God. Use this quote
Death is not more certainly a separation of our souls from our bodies than the Christian life is a separation of our souls from worldly tempers, vain indulgences, and unnecessary cares. Use this quote
As long as your body is healthy and under control and death is distant, try to save your soul; when death is immanent what can you do? Use this quote
You don't have people chanting 'Death to America' in Israel. Use this quote
I am against the death penalty. Use this quote
Death is the great hope of all life; the desire to expend itself; to be used and consumed by its own longing for itself. Use this quote
Generosity during life is a very different thing from generosity in the hour of death; one proceeds from genuine liberality and benevolence, the other from pride or fear. Use this quote
People want the right to die at a time of their own choosing. Too many families have watched helplessly as a relative dies slowly, longing for death. Use this quote
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Use this quote