The weak in courage is strong in cunning. Use this quote
Genius is talent set on fire by courage. Use this quote
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others. Use this quote
To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage, or of principle. Use this quote
Suffering! We owe to it all that is good in us, all that gives value to life; we owe to it pity, we owe to it courage, we owe to it all the virtues. Use this quote
I never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from people. Use this quote
To have courage for whatever comes in life - everything lies in that. Use this quote
The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself. Use this quote
These rules may seem simple enough, but it will require great morale and physical courage to adhere to them. But if carried out in the strict sense of the word it will surely lead to a greater success than could otherwise be attained. Use this quote
Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles. Use this quote
Political courage is not political suicide. Use this quote
Men create real miracles when they use their God-given courage and intelligence. Use this quote
Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it. Use this quote
Just as courage imperils life, fear protects it. Use this quote
Necessity does the work of courage. Use this quote
We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters. Use this quote
What is more mortifying than to feel that you have missed the plum for want of courage to shake the tree? Use this quote
As long as the opposition believes the world will stand with Ukraine's democrat reformers, they will have the leverage and the courage to establish a legitimate republic under the leadership of Viktor Yushchenko. Use this quote
Courage is what preserves our liberty, safety, life, and our homes and parents, our country and children. Courage comprises all things. Use this quote
The paradox of courage is that a man must be a little careless of his life even in order to keep it. Use this quote