It is awfully important to know what is and what is not your business. Use this quote
I'm no longer dependent on the movie business to make a living. So if I want to make movies as other old guys would play golf, I can. Use this quote
I've always been able to keep my private life separate from my business. Use this quote
A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship. Use this quote
You know who a complicated tax code kills? The guy or gal trying to start a business out of the spare bedroom of their home. So we've got to simplify our tax code. Use this quote
I didn't go into this business to do action because I'm a classically trained actor. But I'm good at kicking and punching. Use this quote
What makes the most money for this business? Dead rock stars. Use this quote
I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats. I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with the fact that I'm a Republican. Use this quote
Very few, if any, first-generation black or white or Asian kids will pursue a Ph.D. They'll pursue the professions for economic security. Many will go to law school and/or business school. Use this quote
Show business is my life. When I was a kid I sold insurance, but nobody laughed. Use this quote
Where are the jobs going to come from?Small business, manufacturing and clean energy. Where's the money to finance them? The banks and the corporations in America today have lots of money that they can invest right now. Use this quote
Advertising is a business of words, but advertising agencies are infested with men and women who cannot write. They cannot write advertisements, and they cannot write plans. They are helpless as deaf mutes on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera. Use this quote
Behind every small business, there's a story worth knowing. All the corner shops in our towns and cities, the restaurants, cleaners, gyms, hair salons, hardware stores - these didn't come out of nowhere. Use this quote
I'm not a driven businessman, but a driven artist. I never think about money. Beautiful things make money. Use this quote
After a while of getting jerked around, you realize what the business is really made up of. Use this quote
I've set the model of showing fighters how they should conduct their business. Use this quote
Fortunately for me, I'm in this unique business of not singing, not dancing, not performing - just kind of being there. Use this quote
The whole business is built on ego, vanity, self-satisfaction, and it's total crap to pretend it's not. Use this quote
Today it is not big business that we have to fear. It is big government. Use this quote
My fastest time in high school was a 4:29 mile. I think cross-country has something to do with my longevity in my business. When you're in an eight-mile race, you never give up. Use this quote