I think I'm in a business where you have to look good, and it's totally youth-oriented. Use this quote
No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or 'get rich' in business by being a conformist. Use this quote
Inside every working anarchy, there's an Old Boy Network. Use this quote
Obamacare has got everyone on edge. I mean, small business - men and women or big business are sitting out there saying we have no idea what this is going to cost, but we know it's going to cost us and cost us a lot. Use this quote
Understand why casinos and racetracks stay in business - the gambler always loses over the long term. Use this quote
Dishonesty in government is the business of every citizen. It is not enough to do your own job. There's no particular virtue in that. Democracy isn't a gift. It's a responsibility. Use this quote
Money is a strange business. People who haven't got it aim it strongly. People who have are full of troubles. Use this quote
When they take surveys of women in business, of the Fortune 500, the successful women, 80% of them, say they were in sports as a young woman. Use this quote
A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity. Use this quote
But the reason I became, why I wanted to be in the business was because there was Midnight Cowboy. Use this quote
The war is dreadful. It is the business of the artist to follow it home to the heart of the individual fighters - not to talk in armies and nations and numbers - but to track it home. Use this quote
No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution. Use this quote
The best discussion of trouble in boardroom and business office is found in newspapers' own financial pages and speeches by journalists in management jobs. Use this quote
Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation. Use this quote
Business, that's easily defined - it's other people's money. Use this quote
I think retirement's for old people. I'm still in the business, thank you. I have a young child of nine years old, and I want to live as long as I can to see him grow up. I'm enjoying my life and I want to stick around for as long as I can. Use this quote
You can never get to a place of comfort in this business. As soon as you hit that little cushy spot, somebody's gonna kick you out. So I have a constant need to do it better. Use this quote
You can't operate a company by fear, because the way to eliminate fear is to avoid criticism. And the way to avoid criticism is to do nothing. Use this quote
Competition is the keen cutting edge of business, always shaving away at costs. Use this quote
When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact. Use this quote