I gave a funny speech at my wife's birthday party, and I'm thinking, 'Hey, I've still got it.' Use this quote
Being seventy is not a sin. Use this quote
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Use this quote
When I was in elementary school, I used to write letters to myself. I'd write letters and go 'Dear Kristen-at-16-years-old, happy birthday. I hope you're doing something.' Use this quote
With my daughter, we do arts and crafts, we read a lot, we listen to music, and we cut the strings off balloons and bounce them around after birthday parties. Use this quote
On a royal birthday every house must fly a flag, or the owner would be dragged to a police station and be fined twenty-five rubles. Use this quote
I cried on my 18th birthday. I thought 17 was such a nice age. You're young enough to get away with things, but you're old enough, too. Use this quote
My brother got a .22 for his 12th birthday; I got a .22. He got a hunting knife; I got a hunting knife. Use this quote
For my birthday I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier... I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. Use this quote
I often buy myself presents. Sometimes I will spend $100,000 in one day in a posh boutique. Use this quote
In 1993 my birthday present was a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. Use this quote
I was fired by 'America's Next Top Model' on my birthday. Use this quote
I love having my birthday at Australia Zoo. Use this quote
My biggest hero, Gregory Peck, was my birthday present on April 14, 1973. I just sat and stared at him. Use this quote
I always wanted to shave. It is a very natural process. For my birthday I got a lot of shaving stuff. Use this quote
My parents were dishonest people. If it was my birthday, I knew my mother took me to the K-Mart and she stole my toy. She'd put it in the shopping cart and we'd walk out. I was raised with that. Use this quote
New Year's Day is every man's birthday. Use this quote
Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time. Use this quote
It's odd the things that people remember. Parents will arrange a birthday party, certain it will stick in your mind forever. You'll have a nice time, then two years later you'll be like, 'There was a pony there? Really? And a clown with one leg?' Use this quote
I used to go down every year for the remembrance of Elvis' birthday. Memphis State College invited me to sit in the auditorium and speak to the people for one of those Elvis days. Use this quote