I am excited to rise today to support National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. This celebration honors the husband and wife business owner teams whose work helps drive the economy and fuel job growth. Use this quote
I went to India and met some people who had been involved in this guerrilla business, middle-class people who were rather vain and foolish. There was no revolutionary grandeur to it. Nothing. Use this quote
All my movies are achingly personal. Use this quote
God was satisfied with his own work, and that is fatal. Use this quote
It is a strange desire, to seek power, and to lose liberty; or to seek power over others, and to lose power over a man's self. Use this quote
But he is unworthy the name of a minister of the gospel of peace, who is unwilling, not only to have his name cast out as evil, but also to die for the truths of the Lord Jesus. Use this quote
It was really important in my relationship with James Caan that I understood the relationship between the family and the father. Use this quote
A great many people think that polysyllables are a sign of intelligence. Use this quote
The older generation had greater respect for land than science. But we live in an age when science, more than soil, has become the provider of growth and abundance. Living just on the land creates loneliness in an age of globality. Use this quote
I think Europeans have enough tradition and respect for the experience and body of work of an actress that they don't sell out to the new ones. Use this quote
In garden arrangement, as in all other kinds of decorative work, one has not only to acquire a knowledge of what to do, but also to gain some wisdom in perceiving what it is well to let alone. Use this quote
The death of my father is probably the biggest thing that I ever faced. Daddy and I were best friends. Use this quote
I love Sell Out, I think it's great. I love the jingles. The whole thing as an album is a wonderful piece of work. The cover. Everything about it. It's got humor, great songs, irony. Use this quote
Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams. Use this quote
All money is a matter of belief. Use this quote
The irony is, going to work every day became the subject of probably my best poetry. Use this quote
It's continuously humbling to work hard, you know? As long as you've got a good work ethic and a sense of humor, I don't think anybody can become too much of an egoist under those circumstances. Use this quote
No man is the wiser for his learning; it may administer matter to work in, or objects to work upon; but wit and wisdom are born with a man. Use this quote
What really fascinates me is this need that is so strong now that if you read a work of the imagination you instantly have to say, 'Oh, what this really is is so-and-so,' reducing it to a simple formula. Use this quote
It's very important that every movie I do makes money because I want the people that had the faith in me to get their money back. Use this quote