I don't think it's possible to have a sense of tragedy without having a sense of humor. Use this quote
To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. Use this quote
If you look at the cost of providing health insurance, it actually doesn't cost more to provide a plan with contraceptive coverage than it does without. Use this quote
Mine is the first generation able to contemplate the possibility that we may live our entire lives without going to war or sending our children to war. Use this quote
Whereas painting is a more rarefied art form, with a limited audience, I recognized film as this extraordinary social tool that could reach tremendous numbers of people. Use this quote
Courage without conscience is a wild beast. Use this quote
What has happened to architecture since the second world war that the only passers-by who can contemplate it without pain are those equipped with a white stick and a dog? Use this quote
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. Use this quote
Communism was meant to be an alternative religion. Use this quote
One cannot wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion, which is tremendously molded by the press and other forms of propaganda. Use this quote
Rap is poetry to music, like beatniks without beards and bongos. Use this quote
You have to watch all sides of your advancement, you have to make sure people's bodies and minds are healthy and their morale is cool before you can really go out and play great music. Use this quote
Know how to travel from your town to a nearby town without a car, either by bus or by rail. Use this quote
Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved. Use this quote
You just reach a point sometimes with somebody where it just doesn't work. Use this quote
I never travel without my sketch book. Use this quote
With regard to the youth vote we should encourage them to partake in the process, making more use of our education system to show the role Government plays in their lives, but also utilise the youth media they relate to to better connect them to our message. Use this quote
No one is so completely disenchanted with the world, or knows it so thoroughly, or is so utterly disgusted with it, that when it begins to smile upon him he does not become partially reconciled to it. Use this quote
A universe with a God would look quite different from a universe without one. A physics, a biology where there is a God is bound to look different. So the most basic claims of religion are scientific. Religion is a scientific theory. Use this quote
Obscenity, which is ever blasphemy against the divine beauty in life, is a monster for which the corruption of society forever brings forth new food, which it devours in secret. Use this quote