Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see. Use this quote
Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness. Use this quote
It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love. Use this quote
Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world, even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change. Use this quote
Silence is a source of great strength. Use this quote
Our wisdom comes from our experience, and our experience comes from our foolishness. Use this quote
A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words. Use this quote
Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic. Use this quote
It is unthinkable for a Frenchman to arrive at middle age without having syphilis and the Cross of the Legion of Honor. Use this quote
I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior. Use this quote
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Use this quote
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Use this quote
Imagination allows us to escape the predictable. It enables us to reply to the common wisdom that we cannot soar by saying, "Just watch!" Use this quote
The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. All therefore that need aid have a right to ask it from their fellow-men; and no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt. Use this quote
Wisdom I know is social. She seeks her fellows. But Beauty is jealous, and illy bears the presence of a rival. Use this quote
Those who have experienced the most, have suffered so much that they have ceased to hate. Hate is more for those with a slightly guilty conscience, and who by chewing on old hate in times of peace wish to demonstrate how great they were during the war. Use this quote
We were never a family that had a lot. We had enough, but not a lot. Use this quote
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. Use this quote
The war... was an unnecessary condition of affairs, and might have been avoided if forebearance and wisdom had been practiced on both sides. Use this quote
Science gives us knowledge, but only philosophy can give us wisdom. Use this quote