I know of no more important subject to the peace of Europe and the world than the reasonable reduction of armaments, especially in Europe, and of naval armaments throughout the world. Use this quote
I was brought up as an only child, and we were very close. But when I was 14, we got evicted. We came home to a padlock, and I looked up at my mom and she was crying, and there was nothing to do. Use this quote
We Americans are the best informed people on earth as to the events of the last twenty-four hours; we are the not the best informed as the events of the last sixty centuries. Use this quote
I'm looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. Use this quote
Coming to terms with the fact that my marriage was a failure was devastating and very difficult. Use this quote
Again, in Wag the Dog, war has to be declared by an act of congress. But if you go to war, you don't have to declare war. You're just at war and we did that, which is not legal. Use this quote
The war on terrorism has made national security a legitimate concern, and a rising deficit, changes brought on by globalization and even the price of oil have thrown the nation's economic health into question. Use this quote
You think that religion is a thing that is there to help you and to see you through life, and then you wake up one morning and find the entire Irish situation, the civil war that's based on religion. Use this quote
Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go. Use this quote
To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace. Use this quote
In a multi-racial society, trust, understanding and tolerance are the cornerstones of peace and order. Use this quote
Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare. Use this quote
People are scared to death and they're looking for something beyond themselves. Use this quote
Training is full-on. Some days I really don't want to get out of bed and hit that track again. Sunday and Monday morning sessions are always horrible. But who really looks forward to going to work on a Monday morning? Use this quote
Well I think it has always been a mistake to reduce the peace process in Ireland to a decommissioning process. Use this quote
Cultural dominance of middle-class norms prevail in middle-class schools with a teacher teaching toward those standards and with students striving to maintain those standards. Use this quote
Beware the hobby that eats. Use this quote
It is no good getting furious if you get stuck. What I do is keep thinking about the problem but work on something else. Sometimes it is years before I see the way forward. In the case of information loss and black holes, it was 29 years. Use this quote
It is exactly because we are a city that embraces freedom, that welcomes everyone and encourages their dreams, that New York remains on the front lines in the war on terror. Use this quote
Making peace is harder than making war. Use this quote