When I was a kid, my step dad started this business and would go out and get lost cows and stuff. He was part-time truck driver, farmer and cowboy. He taught me how to ride from an early age. Use this quote
I'd like to do a romantic comedy. Use this quote
He leaned about the same way in falling towards Jacqueline, forward, down towards the bottom of the car. Use this quote
I've had the greatest respect for my work in this country by Americans. Critics have no brains. Use this quote
True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked. Use this quote
I still like the run and gun action movies and how truly dangerous it can be to make these films. Use this quote
When you're a famous, successful person at 16 years old, the rules change for you. Everybody is doing things for you to make life easier so you can go out and play. And I think you miss out on lot of growing up and a lot of reality checks. Use this quote
You've gotta know what death is to know life! Use this quote
The one ironclad rule is that I have to try. I have to walk into my writing room and pick up my pen every weekday morning. Use this quote
Independent film is almost nonexistent right now, because all the distributers that used to love to put out these little art films are all out of business right now, because it costs so much to open a movie. Use this quote
Faith is an excitement and an enthusiasm: it is a condition of intellectual magnificence to which we must cling as to a treasure, and not squander on our way through life in the small coin of empty words, or in exact and priggish argument. Use this quote
But if you don't watch me, I will try and sneak in some humor. I see humor everywhere in life around me. Use this quote
Poetry is that art which selects and arranges the symbols of thought in such a manner as to excite the imagination the most powerfully and delightfully. Use this quote
Government shouldn't tell you whom to marry. Use this quote
There are movements which impinge upon the nerves with a strength that is incomparable, for movement has power to stir the senses and emotions, unique in itself. Use this quote
I was always interested in photography and other forms of art. Use this quote
The filth and noise of the crowded streets soon destroy the elasticity of health which belongs to the country boy. Use this quote
Central banks don't have divine wisdom. They try to do the best analysis they can and must be prepared to stand or fall by the quality of that analysis. Use this quote
The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom. Use this quote
It is essential to employ, trust, and reward those whose perspective, ability, and judgment are radically different from yours. It is also rare, for it requires uncommon humility, tolerance, and wisdom. Use this quote