Had anyone told me that I was going to have a career in business, I would have said, 'No way.' Use this quote
You may either win your peace or buy it: win it, by resistance to evil; buy it, by compromise with evil. Use this quote
You get the health benefits of coffee up through about the first twenty-four ounces. It's the biggest source of antioxidants for Americans, and we think it helps prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's as well. Use this quote
Nature is regulating our climate for free. Mother Nature, she's been doing that for free, for a long, long time. Now do you really want to get in there and do geo-engineering and all this kind of stuff? Use this quote
Beauty is as relative as light and dark. Thus, there exists no beautiful woman, none at all, because you are never certain that a still far more beautiful woman will not appear and completely shame the supposed beauty of the first. Use this quote
The history of America is to expand civil liberties in a responsible and civil manner. We need to remember that our wonderful Democracy with its freedoms has been working. Use this quote
Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught. Use this quote
Trusting your individual uniqueness challenges you to lay yourself open. Use this quote
Through the years of experience I have found that air offers less resistance than dirt. Use this quote
In the Europe which was created by the Second World War, divided into two blocks, each in need of a revolution that would end the abuses and injustices of capitalism and the privileges of a bureaucratic caste, collective faith does not exist. Use this quote
Our civilization has evolved through the continuous adjustment of society to the stimulus of new knowledge. Use this quote
I like cool jackets - a nice fall or winter coat. You can get a lot of use out of it, and you'll wear it frequently, so it can really set the tone of your uniform for the season. Use this quote
For me, I'm not a jealous person. That's just not my thing. You have to have trust in your relationship. Use this quote
My dad was a great dad. Use this quote
Politics, as the word is commonly understood, are nothing but corruptions. Use this quote
Follow sound business trends, not fashion trends. Use this quote
Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it. Use this quote
We have to be able to grow up. Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be. Use this quote
Newspapers with declining circulations can complain all they want about their readers and even say they have no taste. But you will still go out of business over time. A newspaper is not a public trust - it has a business model that either works or it doesn't. Use this quote
Anyone in politics would like to have great economic numbers. Use this quote