I think all those people I did stories about measured their own success by the joy their work was giving them. Use this quote
Writers now are putting total faith in designers at Apple and Amazon. It's almost like a race-car driver having no input into how cars are designed. Use this quote
It's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money. Use this quote
They should regard me as what I am. I am a spiritual leader and teacher. Use this quote
Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness. The other is for goodness. Use this quote
India is the meeting place of the religions and among these Hinduism alone is by itself a vast and complex thing, not so much a religion as a great diversified and yet subtly unified mass of spiritual thought, realization and aspiration. Use this quote
To recover a spiritual tradition in which creation, and the study of creation, matters would be to inaugurate new possibilities between spirituality and science that would shape the paradigms for culture, its institution, and its people. Use this quote
By having a reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relation with the world By practicing reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive. Use this quote
The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises. Use this quote
Human beings are accustomed to think of intellect as the power of having and controlling ideas and of ability to learn as synonymous with ability to have ideas. But learning by having ideas is really one of the rare and isolated events in nature. Use this quote
The first act of religion, therefore, concerns those things which are communicated to us from God. The other concerns those things which we yield to God. Use this quote
Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It's the capacity to understand that every war is both won and lost. And that someone else's pain is as meaningful as your own. Use this quote
You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience. Use this quote
I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life. When they said that God is three, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I believed it, simply because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents. Use this quote
Death is the sanction of everything the story-teller can tell. He has borrowed his authority from death. Use this quote
You can have financial strength, professional strength, emotional strength but for me without spiritual strength none of the rest of it matters. Use this quote
I went to medical school because I wanted to ask the big questions. Do we have a soul? Does God exist? What happens after death? Use this quote
Hence, within the space of two generations there has been a complete revolution in the attitude of the trades-unions toward the women working in their trades. Use this quote
The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth. Use this quote
Poetry for me is as much a spiritual practice as sexual ecstasy is. Use this quote