God hangs the greatest weights upon the smallest wires. Use this quote
I'm a huge sports fan. Use this quote
You know, be able to do something great in your life, you're gonna have to realize your failures. You're gonna have to embrace them and figure out how to overcome it. Use this quote
There is no private house in which people can enjoy themselves so well as at a capital tavern... No, Sir; there is nothing which has yet been contrived by man by which so much happiness is produced as by a good tavern or inn. Use this quote
I learned some valuable lessons about the legislative process, the importance of bipartisan cooperation and the wisdom of taking small steps to get a big job done. Use this quote
I'll keep on acting 'til they wipe the drool. I like the business. I like to do different parts and diverse characters. I haven't lost my enthusiasm yet! Use this quote
I'm careful with money. Use this quote
I started imagining this whole different world. It was a society of musicians, a family I hoped I could belong to one day. Use this quote
When my dad first started out in the police force, wearing the uniform was a sense of pride, and it was respected in the community for what the police force was all about. Unfortunately today, the uniform is a target. Use this quote
There are some movies that I would like to forget, for the rest of my life - really! But even those movies that I'd like to forget teach me things. Use this quote
My mom was a seamstress, and I wish I'd learned to sew because I'm obsessed with 'Project Runway!' Use this quote
Washington has to become an ally of business, not the opposition of business. Use this quote
My home town is very small and very remote and we don't have a movie house. Use this quote
I stand fearlessly for small dogs, the American Flag, motherhood and the Bible. That's why people love me. Use this quote
I spent a college semester in a small town in Italy - and that is where I truly tasted food for the first time. Use this quote
Great wisdom is generous; petty wisdom is contentious. Great speech is impassioned, small speech cantankerous. Use this quote
To walk around with an ego is a bad thing. To have confidence in yourself is a great thing. Use this quote
It is the artist who realizes that there is a supreme force above him and works gladly away as a small apprentice under God's heaven. Use this quote
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands. Use this quote
The boy who is going to make a great man must not make up his mind merely to overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in spite of a thousand repulses and defeats. Use this quote