I'm not trying to be romantic. I think you can tell when people are trying to be sexy onstage. When I was doing 'All the Way,' I was really thinking about my wife. People don't know my personal experience, but they can tell it's an honest interpretation. Use this quote
In life, you have people that love to party. That's me. People that love God. That's me. People that love sex. That's me. People that love people. That's me. And people that make mistakes.That's me also. Use this quote
I think people are sexy when they have a sense of humor, when they are smart, when they have some sense of style, when they are kind, when they express their own opinions, when they are creative, when they have character. Use this quote
Mysterious love, uncertain treasure, hast thou more of pain or pleasure! Endless torments dwell about thee: Yet who would live, and live without thee! Use this quote
Religion is not a burden, not a weight, it is wings. Use this quote
My inspiration was my mom. She's a great cook, and she still cooks, and we still banter back and forth about cooking. Growing up in a mostly Portuguese community, food was important and the family table was extremely important. At a very young age I understood that. Use this quote
The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets. Use this quote
I do fat people and these makeups are really hard to do, but I want to make monster movies. Use this quote
Aristotle uses a mother's love for her child as the prime example of love or friendship. Use this quote
Economists report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars to a man's lifetime income - which he then spends sending his son to college. Use this quote
Watching your husband become a father is really sexy and wonderful. Use this quote
We have an amazing advantage right now in that we have developed technology that is so sexy, so engaging for kids. Use this quote
Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful. Use this quote
I use to watch like maybe three or four movies, five days out of the week. I was a movie buff, but I really didn't know what it was like behind the scenes, or the whole political process of it. Use this quote
I have never met anyone who did not support our troops. Sometimes, however, we hear accusations that someone or some group does not support the men and women serving in our Armed Forces. But this is pure demagoguery, and it is intellectually dishonest. Use this quote
He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. Use this quote
I do earnestly wish to see the distinction of sex confounded in society, unless where love animates the behaviour. Use this quote
I think I am really irreverent and I pretty much just talk to and about men the way men talk to and about women. Use this quote
All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. Use this quote
A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after. Use this quote