Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't. Use this quote
The fact that he didn't get credit for a while is more the story of social injustice. But his own spirit wasn't driven by that, and wasn't dependent upon that. He just wished he had the cash to go to medical school. Use this quote
I'm a bad dater - I'm just not good at it. It's so weird dating in this town. It's like high school. I get a lot of people who have their publicist call my agent to ask, 'Is she dating anyone?' Use this quote
The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. Use this quote
I love shopping, especially food shopping. Use this quote
I never learned hate at home, or shame. I had to go to school for that. Use this quote
I honestly believe that there's an element in this country, in our politics, that does not want to see a businessman succeed at getting the nomination for the Republican party, and does not want me to succeed at becoming President of the United States of America. Use this quote
Without true medical liability reform, our doctors will continue to leave, and young doctors coming out of medical school $100,000 to $200,000 in debt will not be able to afford such onerous costs. Use this quote
I dropped out of school for a semester, transferred to another college, switched to an art major, graduated, got married, and for a while worked as a graphic designer. Use this quote
There's no difference between fame and infamy now. There's a new school of professional famous people that don't do anything. They don't create anything. Use this quote
Every person has only so much attention to give, and politics and government takes up only a fraction of what it did 25 years ago. Use this quote
Have a little faith. Don't give up. Use this quote
I was thinking that we all learn by experience, but some of us have to go to summer school. Use this quote
I remember when I was in school, they would ask, 'What are you going to be when you grow up?' and then you'd have to draw a picture of it. I drew a picture of myself as a bride. Use this quote
When fast food is not a treat but a dietary staple, the children surf the internet all day in dark corners of the room and are bombarded with latest gadgets. Things replace parental standards. Use this quote
It is soooooo necessary to get the basic skills, because by the time you graduate, undergraduate or graduate, that field would have totally changed from your first day of school. Use this quote
Sure, my childhood was unusual. All these eccentric, wild people frequented our home: rock stars, drag queens, models, bikers, freaks. But I was not this little rich girl. My mom and I lived in an apartment. Use this quote
If the education and studies of children were suited to their inclinations and capacities, many would be made useful members of society that otherwise would make no figure in it. Use this quote
I did my best, and God did the rest. Use this quote
I was an elementary school teacher. Use this quote