God is a thought who makes crooked all that is straight. Use this quote
Yet higher religion, which is only a search for a larger life, is essentially experience and recognized the necessity of experience as its foundation long before science learnt to do so. Use this quote
I don't believe your soul mate has to share your politics. Use this quote
Death is really a great blessing for humanity, without it there could be no real progress. People who lived for ever would not only hamper and discourage the young, but they would themselves lack sufficient stimulus to be creative. Use this quote
There's no down time any more. Use this quote
I think that if people are instructed about anything, it should be about the nature of cruelty. And about why people behave so cruelly to each other. And what kind of satisfactions they derive from it. And why there is always a cost, and a price to be paid. Use this quote
The most beautiful as well as the most ugly inclinations of man are not part of a fixed biologically given human nature, but result from the social process which creates man. Use this quote
We may not only find faith in God in our sorrow. We may also become faithful to Him in times of calm. Use this quote
Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the passion of Christ. Use this quote
With power comes the abuse of power. And where there are bosses, there are crazy bosses. It's nothing new. Use this quote
For most of our history, no one dared to tell Americans, 'you don't build that.' Use this quote
Food, like sex, is one of the principal kinds of human activity that engage people when they wonder about how to account for different kinds of human behaviour. Use this quote
Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. Use this quote
'Smart power' is the use of American power in ways that would help prevent and resolve conflict - not just send our military in. Use this quote
It was the experience of mystery - even if mixed with fear - that engendered religion. Use this quote
I don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her. Use this quote
Religion, to me, is a bureaucracy between man and God that I don't need. Use this quote
The great defense against the air menace is to attack the enemy's aircraft as near as possible to their point of departure. Use this quote
Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful. Use this quote
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to have never been born at all. Use this quote