But reason always cuts a poor figure beside sentiment; the one being essentially restricted, like everything that is positive, while the other is infinite. Use this quote
Acting has given me a way to channel my angst. I feel like an overweight, pimply faced kid a lot of the time - and finding a way to access that insecurity, and put it toward something creative is incredibly rewarding. I feel very lucky. Use this quote
In seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it - thou art a fool. Use this quote
The elusive nature of love... it can be such a fleeting thing. You see it there and it's just fluttering and it's gone. Use this quote
When I'm shooting a movie, I'm always in an invisible theater seat. I respect the fact that people have worked hard all week and want to go to the movies on the weekend and be entertained. Use this quote
Reason is our soul's left hand, faith her right. Use this quote
The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy. Use this quote
I do like strong women in my movies. I have five sisters, so I've just grown up with that model. Use this quote
Nothing can contribute more to peace of soul than the lack of any opinion whatever. Use this quote
Japanese traditional architecture is created based on these conditions. This is the reason you have a very high degree of connection between the outside and inside in architecture. Use this quote
Tragedy is restful: and the reason is that hope, that foul, deceitful thing, has no part in it. Use this quote
Reason and judgment are the qualities of a leader. Use this quote
All the passions make us commit faults; love makes us commit the most ridiculous ones. Use this quote
The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change. Use this quote
Poetry is all nouns and verbs. Use this quote
In modern war... you will die like a dog for no good reason. Use this quote
I would rather trust a woman's instinct than a man's reason. Use this quote
Youth smiles without any reason. It is one of its chiefest charms. Use this quote
A lot of people into Tool, for some reason, are not interested in humor. Use this quote
Every formula of every religion has in this age of reason, to submit to the acid test of reason and universal assent. Use this quote