Prosperity or egalitarianism - you have to choose. I favor freedom - you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion. Use this quote
Clairvoyant, n.: A person, commonly a woman, who has the power of seeing that which is invisible to her patron - namely, that he is a blockhead. Use this quote
Marimba is much more of a wood-type experience and there is no real possibility of getting a dry sound, and getting that contrast in the same way that you can in a vibraphone. Use this quote
Before a war military science seems a real science, like astronomy; but after a war it seems more like astrology. Use this quote
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Use this quote
I never really got on that well with Yoko anyway. Strangely enough, I only started to get to know her after John's death. Use this quote
If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian he can live in peace. Use this quote
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky. Use this quote
Because when we think about the real facts: 44 million Americans without health insurance, millions without jobs, a 50-year high on mortgage foreclosures, an historic high the third year in a row on personal bankruptcies. Use this quote
Movies have to handle time very efficiently. They're about stringing scenes together in the present. Novels aren't necessarily about that. Use this quote
A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip. Use this quote
You can't test courage cautiously. Use this quote
Art is the close scrutiny of reality and therefore I put on the stage only those things that I know happen in our society. Use this quote
Stylized acting and direction is to realistic acting and direction as poetry is to prose. Use this quote
My father taught me how to substitute realities. Use this quote
We must remember that politics is more than a power game. The core of politics in my view is to serve our citizens, to serve our fellow human beings. Use this quote
True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness. Use this quote
Whenever I work on a part, I look at the world through the filter of the character and I pick things they might use through my observations of real life. Use this quote
Cultural anthropology is more and more rapidly getting to realize itself as a strictly historical science. Use this quote
Hugh Grant is the main man. He's the number one romantic comedy man in the world. Use this quote