You can't make everybody laugh. You gotta just do what you think is funny. Just be obstreperous to everybody. Use this quote
I have a problem with religion that makes it so, like, 'We are the ones. We are the chosen ones.' Use this quote
I love doing roles and movies that are different from each other. Use this quote
We will always make sure player health and safety is our No. 1 priority in the NFL. Use this quote
I'm open to play for anybody that would give me respect, treat me the right way, and actually going to make me feel comfortable. Use this quote
You have to have sympathy for and an empathy with a character in order to play them. Use this quote
By that I mean, I think that it is true that politics and political heroes have to satisfy our need to be greater than mortal in some way, and that's led them into creating illusions, sound bites, focus groups that tell you what to do. Use this quote
A movie goes from several stages, from idea to script. As you continue shooting, you will make some adjustments. You're constantly adjusting. It's like a piece of music. You're constantly trying to make it better. Use this quote
Breaking records is not something you expect to be doing. That's like a sports thing, it's not usually a comedy and writing thing. Use this quote
I love the fact that there are also women out there that don't have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids. Thank goodness that we value those people too. Use this quote
I think because I became a mom later in life, everything in life means more. Use this quote
There's a lot more to see when you're playing and because of the advances in technology it makes room for all kinds of new characters. Use this quote
Australia is so cool that it's hard to even know where to start describing it. The beaches are beautiful; so is the weather. Not too crowded. Great food, great music, really nice people. It must be a lot like Los Angeles was many years ago. Use this quote
No other group in America has so had their identity socialized out of existence as have black women... When black people are talked about the focus tends to be on black men; and when women are talked about the focus tends to be on white women. Use this quote
In The Police, in a trio situation - which I've come back to now - it's just so wide open that it does actually provide this arena where you can play with a certain freedom. Use this quote
Music is for people. The word 'pop' is simply short for popular. It means that people like it. I'm just a normal jerk who happens to make music. As long as my brain and fingers work, I'm cool. Use this quote
I felt like I was a teacher. But nowadays, I am as much a student of his. He writes a lot of what we play. Use this quote
Well my biggest dream is to be in a romantic comedy. Use this quote
Nature provides exceptions to every rule. Use this quote
My dad told me, 'It takes fifteen years to be an overnight success', and it took me seventeen and a half years. Use this quote