Get mad, then get over it. Use this quote
The President's call for more math and science students is not being heeded by his party's leaders in Congress. They are cutting over $10 billion from student aide while refusing to fully fund No Child Left Behind. Something doesn't add up. Use this quote
For me, relationships are the real action movies. Bombs are exploding every day and the kitchen is Ground Zero. Use this quote
A good artist is willing to die many times over. What's funny is, I've died so many times. Use this quote
The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none. Use this quote
Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty. Use this quote
I have to wear two sports bras when I do my cardio. It takes a lot to hold these puppies up! Use this quote
I mean, if a person acts irresponsibly in his own life, he will pay the consequences. And it's not so much divine retribution as it's built into the law of nature. Use this quote
When I was younger, my coach, Liang Chow, made all the decisions. I would go to the gym for practice, do exactly what Chow told me to do, go home, come back and start all over again. If Chow told me to do 50 squat jumps, I did 50 squat jumps. Use this quote
Yet, it is true, poetry is delicious; the best prose is that which is most full of poetry. Use this quote
We are losing sight of civility in government and politics. Debate and dialogue is taking a back seat to the politics of destruction and anger and control. Dogma has replaced thoughtful discussion between people of differing views. Use this quote
The environmental benefits of hydrogen are also outstanding. When used as an energy source, hydrogen produces no emissions besides water. Zero polluting emissions, an amazing advance over the current sources of energy that we use. Use this quote
The truth is our country, our people, our liberties, and our way of life are under attack by radical Islamic terrorists who kill and destroy in the name of religion. Use this quote
The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching. Use this quote
That brings me to Dennis Ritchie. Our collaboration has been a thing of beauty. Use this quote
Unfortunately, the food industry has not yet faced this situation and begun taking measures to avoid exploiting our weakness for not knowing when we have had enough. Use this quote
And I would be the first to admit that probably, in a lot of press conferences over the time that I have been in coaching, indulging my own sense of humor at press conferences has not been greatly to my benefit. Use this quote
To think that the new economy is over is like somebody in London in 1830 saying the entire industrial revolution is over because some textile manufacturers in Manchester went broke. Use this quote
Once you are over 30, 35 years old, I think everyone should get down to the gym and start moving again. Use this quote
We grew up in a very creative environment and were exposed to the arts at a very young age, so it's not a surprise that all of us are in some form of the arts. Use this quote