I met Jesse Owens once. He was a remarkable individual, and I have tremendous respect for what he did in the Olympics under the circumstances. Use this quote
All men are tempted. There is no man that lives that can't be broken down, provided it is the right temptation, put in the right spot. Use this quote
I have never once regretted missing a business opportunity so that I could be with my children and grandchildren. Use this quote
A great mind becomes a great fortune. Use this quote
I prefer to sing in the shower vs. the car. The shower is just steam, you know, its just you, and nature, and no clothing. You know, there's nothing separating you. It's just you, and the voice - you, and the water. Use this quote
God as now generally conceived of is only the last witch. Use this quote
The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead! Use this quote
The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere. Use this quote
If you are tired of partisanship over patriotism, you need to vote for a change in direction. Use this quote
The human imagination... has great difficulty in living strictly within the confines of a materialist practice or philosophy. It dreams, like a dog in its basket, of hares in the open. Use this quote
English, once accepted as an international language, is no more secure than French has proved to be as the one and only accepted language of diplomacy or as Latin has proved to be as the international language of science. Use this quote
We just said, 'Okay, you're in the movie. Bring what you would bring for a three-day weekend and I hope you like the way you look in it because once you're on camera, that's your wardrobe.' But it worked; it worked and we were very surprised. Use this quote
In a condition of society and under an industrial organization which places labor completely at the mercy of capital, the accumulations of capital will necessarily be rapid, and an unequal distribution of wealth is at once to be observed. Use this quote
Until politics are a branch of science we shall do well to regard political and social reforms as experiments rather than short-cuts to the millennium. Use this quote
Is truth always positive? Of course. Once the truth comes out, you know, it's all right. We're scared that if the truth comes out that it's not all right. It's the other way around. Use this quote
I'm enjoying myself this year and for once I'm not chasing my fitness. Use this quote
The way to preserve the peace of the church is to preserve its purity. Use this quote
Old age is a special problem for me because I've never been able to shed the mental image I have of myself - a lad of about 19. Use this quote
Usually comedy is only available to us ladies in the romantic comedy. That's why I hate romantic comedies. Use this quote
I think being famous is more of a hindrance, a constraint, than just letting yourself be free. Use this quote